Skin Analysis

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See the latest and advanced technology at its best in skin care. This comprehensive skin analysis shows superficial and deep analysis of the skin in 8 different lights showing moisture content levels, sebum (oil) secretions, pore size, skin texture and wrinkles depth, bacteria from acne, blackheads, dark circles, skin tone (Pigmentation and acne marks), sensitivity levels, UV damage, density and thickness of Pigmentation areas, collagen levels and weak areas lacking collagen and elastin, 3D simulation of any area , and skin aging prediction /and/or beautification of the skin after 5 to 10 years. An electronic report by scanning a Qr code is provided to you after the analysis for further review at home. Future analysis scans are compared from the original scans/ to see improvement and positive results from recommendations using prescribed skin care at home. Recommended before Microneedling, IPL and any facial treatments. Schedule your appt today.