Intensed Pulsed Light (IPL)

Price List

What is IPL?

IPL is a technology used by cosmetic and medical practitioners to perform various treatments for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes such as hair removal, skin rejuvenation, (such as the treatment of skin pigmentation, sun damage, and thread veins), as well to alleviate acne.
This technology uses a high powered hand held computer controlled flashgun to deliver an intense, visible, broad-spectrum pulse of light, generally in the visible range of 400 to 1200 nm. Various cutoff filters are used to selectively filter out lower wavelengths, especially potentially damaging ultra violet light. The resulting light has a spectral range that targets specific structures and chromospheres (e.g. melanin in hair or oxyhemoglobin in blood vessels) that are heated to destruction and reabsorbed by the body.

Best times for treatments range from Oct-April to avoid sun sensitivity.

Call for a consultation at $25 and see if this treatment option is for you.